Thursday, August 20, 2009


Boy, a lot has happened in the last couple of weeks. I had to bid farewell to California, my home, and my husband and I set off for an abrupt new life chapter. This picture was taken in the final minutes before my departure:

...packed the car full of clothes and dishes, and kissed Andrew goodbye:

We took our time driving, so we could visit some dear friends in Tucson (of course I forgot to take pics) and so we could linger in Austin, where Toby and Monica reside. Gotta love this shirt:

Toby made a delicious fried catfish dinner, and Monica made this delightful raspberry streudel:

I loved this roadside peach stand we found in Texas:

After witnessing the countryside getting greener and greener (and muggier) we finally crossed into my new home state:

We made it! And without makeup or access to a comb apparently. Gulp.

One of my favorite things about living at my parent's house is this little face:

The first day at my new job was overwhelming to say the least, and when I got home, brimming with emotion, these were waiting for me from my favorite guy. I cried, but that was a given, wasn't it?

I signed the lease to our new place last week, and will start on some house projects this weekend. More pictures to follow!

1 comment:

mk said...

yay you made it safe!!