Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Doggie DIY

So when I was browsing the web for ideas for the nursery, I came across the following framed picture from Green Frog Art, and I LOVED the aesthetic- especially because we are using a lot of pops of that kelly green around the nursery (well, and I love dogs- have I ever mentioned that?)

...and then I saw the price tag- $160. Whoops. Not going to work. So I started browsing some other items on their site and saw the following pic, which was in a series of four: nap, tickle, sing, and I can't remember the last one. I thought the idea of a little verb above a dog was cute, because it could easily translate to things babies would also do.

But, each picture was listed at $100, so the series was $400 total. Neither of these paintings was reasonable for our budget. So I had to get crafty! I decided that I could try and blend what I loved about each picture and create something on my own at a fraction of the cost. Here's how they turned out:

I paid a few bucks for the three doggie stencils (the bone I had to freehand) and I already had the painting supplies, so the only real cost was the frames. It was really hard to get a pic of all four without getting the glare from the glass, but you get the idea:

For obvious reasons, my favorite is the beagle!

Here's one of my two muses:

And no, we're not doing a doggie-themed room- we're not doing any theme. Instead, we're doing more of a color story. I'm really excited to post pics of the crafts my mom has been working on, but I think I'll wait until the room is a little more finished. Don't come too early, Baby Boy Mitchell, we've got a lot left to do!

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