Saturday, October 2, 2010

One golden afternoon

Sometimes I take my camera places and I don't pull it out once. Other times, I leave my camera at home and regret it. Every now and again, photo ops align with the proximity of my camera, and I feel like the shots I snap are almost as good as the moments in which I'm taking them. This was the case today.
* * *
Let me back up a little. A lot has happened since my last post, and although much of it is not worth posting, Drew's new career as a high school teacher and coach began late August. While he is so thankful to have work, he (and I) had no idea he would be working 75-80 hours a week, including Sundays. So Saturdays have become very precious to us- and today was no exception. After we finished our errands for the day, we decided to grab two beers, two of our favorite pups, and walk over to the park down the street from our new house. The air has finally cooled and the light was really lovely as it was setting- so we ran around the field and snapped away (Drew did the bulk of this).
No more captions necessary.
Happy Fall, everyone.


Jeff said...

Lovely, lovely. Thank you for taking and sharing.

Nicole said...

Wow, what a beautiful park. You're so lucky thats so close to your house. I wish my kids had something like that to run around in.
Btw, cute boots :). I'm waiting for my brown boots like that to come for Christmas, super excited about them! :)