I know most of you don't care about Henry's little developments, but there are some very important grandparents on the west coast, and these blogs are created with them in mind.
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Little H has had a busy month!
Henry finally started to take the pacifier in week 5 or so... thank goodness!

Henry started to fill out about this time, and when we went in to the doctor at 1 month, he had just gone through a big growth spurt. I said to the nurse who was weighing him, "I hope he is at least 8.4... that would be a great rate of growth" and she said, "Mama, he's 9.8!" I made her zero out the scale and do it again because I didn't believe her! Here are some 1 month pictures:

Smiles! Henry's smiles went from really short, fleeting, "I'm content" smiles to really long, reactive smiles. He first smiled responsively at Drew, then the next day he did it to me, and now I can get him to smile pretty easily if his eyes are locked on mine. He also loves smiling at his toys (well, for the first 30 minutes, then he seems to get frustrated with them!)

I had to include this "like father, like son" picture. Everyone on Facebook has seen it- but it hasn't lost its charm for me... they had no idea their arms were in the exact same positions!

In other developments, Henry shed most of his dark hair (except for this silly little patch at the back) and the little bit that's left seems to be a light brown color. His eyebrows are still a strawberry blonde color- so we're at a loss to predict what his hair will look like when it actually grows longer. His eyes are still blue at 7 weeks, but we won't know for sure if they will stay blue for a couple more months.
Henry also had his first Thanksgiving! We were able to share it with my folks and my sister-in-law's family, the Morgans. It was a lovely, relaxing day!

In his special outfit- Daddy's favorite!

With Uncle To and Aunt Mo

With Noni and Pawpaw

My favorite kind of butterball :)

Drew and I have never done outside lights since we've been married, and we decided that maybe we should start that tradition now that Henry is here.

Mama is not a fan of seeing Daddy on the angled roof... I just need to go inside and not watch these things.
Henry and Drew laying on his truck, admiring their work

And of course, some kisses for good measure!

And Henry joined our brigade to the Christmas tree farm this year!

I love this beautiful picture of my handsome men!

Next year, he'll be much more into picking the tree!
Hmmm... which one should we get?
Found a good one!
As we enter week 8, Henry is on the verge of giggles. He has solitary "hehs" and "goos" that clearly denote excitement and glee, all he needs to do is put them together in a longer string! He seems to spend a long time each day interacting with his toys. Today, he grabbed a part of his toy and put it in his mouth (uh-oh... time to be vigilant). He is advancing so much during tummy time, too. During two sessions, he kicked off and twisted his bottom half into the air, in an attempt to roll from front to back, and he can lift his head for several seconds at a time, even though he doesn't push up very far off his chest.
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We sure do love our little guy and each little Henry smile produces amplified smiled in his parents :) Ok, I'm pooped. Don't expect me to keep this up when works starts again!
1 comment:
Thank you for sharing. He is adorable and you and Andrew look great! Much love from the west coast.
K & K
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