A friend just pointed out to me that my blog was not enabled for comments from the general public. Here I am welcoming comments on my blogs and I didn't even grant you all the ability to do so. How very inhospitable of me - I must not have learned the true ways of the South yet.

I think I fixed the comment block, so once again, I invite you to comment as much as you like on our blog, and I will try to keep up my end of the bargain by posting more often.
Mea Culpa-
Yeah! Anonymous comments!
(Signed, Michelle)
Michelle loves those anonymous comments. She's in the midst of an identity crisis or something.
I prefer to use my nom de blog
Was she the one that made you open your blog to anonymous comments, too? Now that I think about it, she did take on an alter ego moniker when we took a dance class together- "Shelly"
I am like Zelig.
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