Here are the three prego ladies from TCC's CH division at around 18 weeks, 21 or 22 weeks, and Hilary is obviously about to pop! I think she is at 35 or 36 weeks, so she'll be meeting the little one very soon! This was taken last week at Hilary's baby shower.

And although I like to blame the stretchy dress for making me look like I'm further along than the lovely Shelly next to me (when I'm actually 3 weeks behind)- there is no denying that Baby Mitchell is growing!
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I've been noticing the baby kicks for a couple weeks now, although it took me awhile to figure out what they were! Now I can predict when the kicks will come- when I sit down at a computer after breakfast or lunch and when I'm falling asleep at night or just waking up in the morning. I just really want Andrew to be able to feel them on the outside and I know we're still a few weeks away from that.
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Hopefully we will have some big news at the end of this week!