My Mom came to visit a couple weekends ago because, well, she loves us! Not that my Dad doesn't love us too, but he's not a big flyer. Anyhow, I thought it was the perfect opportunity to visit the apple orchards of Julian.

Yes, I sometimes skip, sometimes frolic, what have you.
A not-so-scary scarecrow

Look at that old rusty gem... and
Look at that old rusty gem... and
how about that truck?

At first we were only picking the normal sized apples, but then I decided that these little ones were pretty cute and would make adorable mini caramel apples!

I wonder why he's so interested in my left hand...

She relished the chance to capture me in a bib.

We love you, Mom!

At first we were only picking the normal sized apples, but then I decided that these little ones were pretty cute and would make adorable mini caramel apples!
I wonder why he's so interested in my left hand...
The apple don't fall too far from the tree :)

Pumpkin Time! Drew was designated pumpkin carrier.

Mama and Drew in the little corn maze

And we also went to Drew's restaurant to enjoy some crab.
(awful picture of me, but it shows how much I love her)
She relished the chance to capture me in a bib.
We love you, Mom!